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Mars Area Middle School

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MAMS Students May Sign Up to Obtain a District-issued Device

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

As Mars Area School District remains closed in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), the District will be offering Mars Area Middle School students in need (Grades 7-8) an opportunity to take home a District-issued device to be used for education purposes during Online Continuity of Instruction (OCI) days, beginning Monday, March 30.

With the permission of a parent/guardian, students will be provided with the following:

  • HP Chromebook
  • HP Chromebook Charging Cord
  • HP Chromebook Protective Cover/Case (if applicable)

Note: Students will be provided with their assigned District-issued device, where possible.

Device Distribution

The District-issued devices will be distributed on Tuesday, March 24, at the main entrance to Mars Area Middle School. Distribution sessions will be offered in 30-minute increments between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please note that a maximum of 50 parents/guardians may sign up for each session. Parents/guardians may only pick-up a student’s District-issued device during the distribution session for which you have signed up.  

Sign-ups are available online at the following link:

When picking up your student’s District-issued device during your selected session on Tuesday, March 24, please note the following: 

    • Remain in your vehicle. Signs will be posted in Mars Area Middle School’s parking lot directing traffic to the main entrance.
    • Be prepared to display the verification screen from the online form on your phone or other mobile device or a printed copy of the verification screen.
    • Upon verification, a District staff member will retrieve the student’s District-issued device

Technical Assistance

Students with any technology issues related to District-issued devices may contact the MASD Help Desk at (724) 302-3600 or [email protected]. Please note that the District-issued devices will NOT have any Internet-content filters; therefore, parents/guardians are asked to please monitor students’ use of the devices to verify that they are being used of educational purposes.

In accordance with District policy, students who lose or damage the District-issued device and/or accessories will be held financially responsible for the full repair and/or replacement cost. The cost to replace these items will be determined by the actual retail price of comparable replacement items.

If a device is lost or damaged, students and/or parents/guardians should immediately contact the MASD Help Desk at the information provided above.  

Mars Area Middle School students are not required to obtain a District-issued device for use at home. Students who already have access to a computer, laptop, tablet or a similar device, may continue to use that device to complete online lessons and assignments. However, Mars Area Middle School is offering this opportunity for students to obtain a District-issued device, if needed.


Todd J. Kolson, Principal
Mars Area Middle School