Mars Area Middle School has established security protocols and procedures for any visitors to the building during school hours.
Upon arriving at the school’s main entrance, parents/guardians and any other visitors will be asked to identify themselves and state their purpose at the door.
Dropping of Student Property
Parents/guardians, who are dropping off an item for a student, will be asked to leave the item on the provided table in the “Security Check Area” (entry vestibule), from where a school staff member will retrieve the item and get it to the appropriate student. Paper and pens will be available, so that parents/guardians may write the student’s full name and place the note with the item.
Student Early Release
Parents/guardians, who arrive at the school for a Scheduled Student Pick-up, are asked to please be seated in the “Security Check Area.” A staff member will call for the student to report to the office. Before leaving, the parent/guardian will need to complete an Early Release Sign-Out Sheet, which is located at a table in the “Security Check Area.”
Entry Into Main Office
Any parents/guardians or other visitors, who may need to enter the school for an unscheduled student pick-up or for any other reason, will be required to pass through a metal detector and submit to a bag search before being permitted to enter main office. (Note: All visitors are encouraged to leave any bags or other personal items in their vehicle.) These visitors will be asked to sit in the “Security Check Area” while a school police officer completes the required security check. Parents/guardians are reminded that they must present a driver license for scanning in order to be admitted to the building.
Students Late to School or Returning from Early Release
All students, who arrive late to school or are returning to school from an appointment, will be required to pass through a metal detector and submit to a bag search before they will be permitted to enter main office and the school.
These new protocols are in place to further ensure the safety and security of all Mars Area Middle School students and staff. We thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.