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Mars Area Middle School

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PSAT 8/9 Information for Current Eighth-graders

During COVID-19, many colleges and universities adopted ‘test-optional’ policies for admission purposes.   Approximately 75% of institutions remain test optional for 2025 admissions, some top-tiered schools have reinstated testing as a requirement for application.  Conventional thought is that more schools will return to this requirement in upcoming years.  If so, college entrance exams (SAT and ACT) could once again play an important role for college-bound students wanting to maximize post-secondary admission chances and academic/merit scholarship opportunities.  That being said…

College Board offers a practice assessment for students in Grades 8-9 – the PSAT 8/9 which mirrors the real SAT test.  It is designed to help students target their testing voids to maximize their score potential.  According to SAT/College Board, the PSAT 8/9 will help provide early feedback so students can identify the knowledge and skills they need to be college and career ready. 

Registration for the PSAT 8/9 will be from March 24-April 4. Late registrations will not be accepted.  Interested students should bring a check for $30, made payable to Mars Area School District, to the MS Guidance Office during the above timeframe. Students who are “no-shows” on test day will not be reimbursed.  ALSO, parents and students should log onto and create an account.  This should be done during the registration period. Students access their results through their account. The school does not receive results. Please make sure you and your child know the login name and password.

The PSAT 8/9 will be offered for 8th grade students at Mars Area High School on Saturday, April 26. Students should report to the HS at 7:30 a.m. The test will be taken digitally; they will need to bring their school laptop (or personal device) fully charged that morning. Students should bring two #2 pencils and a calculator.  No identification is necessary for this session. However, all subsequent SAT and ACT tests require that students have an official picture ID, along with their admission tickets. Testing will end at approximately 10:30 a.m.

Students who sign-up for the test can access the following link for test information:

Any questions or concerns may be directed to Mark Varlotta, school counselor, at (724) 625-1581.