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Mars Area Middle School

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Middle School to Administer PSSA

The Pennsylvania Department of Education requires school districts in Pennsylvania to administer the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) in:

  • English Language Arts – to all 7th and 8th grade students. Mars Area Middle School has scheduled the English Language Arts Assessment for April 9, 10 & 11. The testing schedule will be 7:50 to 9:35 a.m. each day.
  • Mathematics – to all 7th and 8th grade students. Mars Area Middle School has scheduled the Mathematics Assessment for April 16-17. The testing schedule will be 7:50 to 9:35 a.m. each day.
  • Science – to all 8th grade students. Mars Area Middle School has scheduled the Science Assessment for April 23-24. The testing schedule will be 8:03 to 9:26 a.m. each day.
The results of the PSSA will be reported to each student's parent(s)/guardian(s) in Fall 2018. In addition to individual student results, the District will receive subject area results that show how well our students are performing. School personnel will use the information to analyze our educational programs. Parents/guardians are encouraged to take these assessments seriously.

The document (provided below) offers more information regarding cell phones/electronic devices as well as the answers to frequently asked questions. Parents/guardians who have additional questions may contact Mars Area Middle School directly.

Parents/guardians who choose not to have their student(s)  participate in these assessments because of religious beliefs, must do the following before each scheduled testing session:

  1. Make arrangements with the school to view the testing material; and
  2. Submit a written request

Mars Area Middle School will begin testing promptly at the start times listed above. Parents/guardians are asked not to schedule any appointments on the mornings of the testing dates and to make sure that students arrive at school on time. Thank you.